Reducing food loss using new transport technologies

A consortium of over 35 food engineering researchers and practitioners attended the workshop “New cold-chain and packaging technologies to reduce food losses,” organized as part of the PACKCHAIN project, led by Dr. Thijs Defraeye.

Prof. Bart Nicolai presents at PACKCHAIN workshop (Image: Thijs Defraeye)

The PACKCHAIN project focuses on the development of eco-smart ventilated packaging to reduce food loss during transport and storage of fresh fruit. To share the findings of the project with experts from academics and industry that work on cold-chain and packaging technology for foods, the workshop entitled “New cold-chain and packaging technologies to reduce food losses” was held on 27 August 2017 at ETH Zurich.

A consortium of over 35 food engineering researchers and practitioners attended. The program included several expert presentations on key aspects of the food cold-chain, including active and responsive packaging, thermal sensor technology, refrigerated transport, controlled atmosphere storage, life-cycle analysis, and simulation-based cold-chain optimization.

This workshop successfully connected people with different backgrounds and skills and enabled them to share experiences and disseminate tools and innovations. Lively discussions among participants resulted in brainstorming of future development goals.

This workshop was an outreach event for the PACKCHAIN project, which focuses on eco-smart ventilated packaging for fresh fruit. This project is led by WFSC member Dr. Thijs Defraeye in collaboration with Prof. Stephanie Hellweg and Prof. Jan Carmeliet. Download the flyer (PDF, 981 KB)

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