Edible Research visits Schlieren
How can customers better understand the value chain of palm oil? Allow them to make the decisions stakeholders must. The Edible Research team visited the Berufswahlschule Limmattal in Schlieren to let students do just that.
The SNF Agora project Edible Research is in full swing, with another school visit taking place on 10 January. At the Berufswahlschule (vocational school) Limmattal of Schlieren, project team members Anett Hofmann, Manuel Stamm, and Anna K. Gilgen played the project-developed palm oil game with 10th grade students. The game centers on role play in order for the participants to better understand stakeholder decisions in the palm oil value chain.
As with the visit to the Sekundarschule (secondary school) in Urdorf in October 2017, the students were very engaged in the game, fully devlving into the roles of different actors in the palm oil value chain. While playing, they suddenly realized what it means to have no money left at the end of the year or to have to take children out of school for financial reasons. A lively discussion after the game ensued, showing that game successfully stimulated the students to think about the palm oil system and helped them understand the issues and their complexity a bit better.

The overall project goal is to facilitate dialogue on research for sustainable food systems between teenagers, teachers, agricultural science students and scientists.
Project team: Dr. Anett Hofmann (Group Sustainable Agroecosystems), Dr. Anna K. Gilgen (World Food System Center), Martina Carrel, Simon Treier, Prof. Johan Six (Group Sustainable Agroecosystems)
Financial support: SNF Agora Program, World Food System Center - Mercator Program
Project duration: 2016-2018