Open Positions

The WFSC cross-posts opportunities within ETH Zurich or with our partners, upon request.

If you have an open position that you would like us to post, please send it to .

Professor Positions


Postdoctoral Researcher Positions

The Grassland Sciences Group at ETH Zurich is looking for a reliable, enthusiastic, and highly motivated postdoctoral reseacher on resilience of forests to air pollution and climate extremes.


The Sustainable Food Processing Group is looking for a postdoctoral Researcher for the project: Innovative Meat Substitutes to Support Human Nutrition and Health.



Doctoral Positions

The Forest Resources Management (FORM) at ETH offers a doctoral position in Integrated Forest Risk Management. More information

The Sustainable Food Processing Group at ETH Zurich, Prof. Alexander Mathys, often looks for doctoral students and postdoctoral reseachers. See information about positions in the group here:

Research Awards

Internships/ Student Assistants


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