Sustainability in Food Value Chains

The World Food System Center established a research program on Sustainability in Food Value Chains in partnership with Coop, Switzerland.
The program aimed to provide the knowledge necessary to drive food value chains, in the short and long term, towards goals of quality and quantity that support human and environmental health and create value for all stakeholders.
The five year program supported a total of 19 two-year postdoctoral research projects, with 5 million Swiss Francs distributed.
Funded Projects

Dynamic agroforestry systems for sustainable intensification of cocoa production in West Africa
Project page Download Fact Sheet (PDF, 571 KB)

Sustainable intensification through agroecosystem diversification: optimizing organic bean production in Macedonia
Project page Download Fact Sheet (PDF, 564 KB)

Measurement and optimization of iron bioavailability in sustainably produced insect based foods: estimation of the nutritional potential as alternative dietary iron sources in human subjects
Project page Download Fact Sheet (PDF, 183 KB)
Understanding the effects of irrigation modernization in water resources management of citrus production in the Jucar river basin, Spain

Project page Download Fact Sheet (PDF, 282 KB)
Socially relevant research regarding sustainability and food value chains

Coop Magazine features an interview with Michelle Grant about the Center's research on Sustainability in Food Value Chains, established in partnership with Coop. Download Read more (in German) (PDF, 364 KB)
Research for full plates

Coop Magazine features an interview with Anna Gilgen about the various Center projects on Sustainability in Food Value Chains. Download Read more (in German) (PDF, 299 KB)
And find more from Coop about the program: external page