
Food System Graphic
Elements of the world food system (Graphic: WFSC/PSC)

Our Approach

Our Center aims to take a food systems approach because we believe we will be most successful when experts from different fields bring their diverse experiences to work together collaboratively.

A food systems approach requires inter- and transdisciplinary methods that have the ability to consider activities, outcomes, interactions, as well as feedbacks and engage all relevant stakeholders. This requires new tools, new ways of thinking and new ways of working together.

Our work is guided by core values and main objectives, and our activities are divided across three activity areas.

The Center’s seven core values guide its organizational conduct. These outline the (1) importance of academic independence and include a commitment to (2) sustainability, (3) transparency, (4) objectivity, (5) inter- and trans-disciplinarity, (6) real world impact through partnerships, and (7) addressing global challenges of societal relevance.

  • To enable and generate new scientific knowledge and INNOVATION with societal, industrial, and political relevance to address key food system challenges;
  • To develop and disseminate KNOWLEDGE on food systems together with key stakeholders in a manner that is inclusive and supports real world impact;
  • To provide leadership and FORESIGHT on innovative solutions to support the sustainable transition of food systems and ensure food and nutrition security;
  • To build the CAPACITY of the next generation of decision makers who can provide leadership in all issues related to sustainable food systems;
  • To build up strategic PARTNERSHIPS with industry, foundations, research institutions, policy makers, UN agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders that support the sustainable transition of food systems and foster new ways of working together to strengthen information dissemination and impact;
  • To act as the initial REFERENCE location for reliable and up-to-date information on the global food situation for key internal and external stakeholders.

The WFSC acts as a platform to bring together our members’ multidisciplinary expertise with strategically relevant external partners. Our work is focused around three core activity areas:


  •   that contributes new knowledge of relevance for society, policymaking, industry and not-for-profit organizations.


  •   that provides the next generation of decision makers with the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective leaders in creating sustainable food systems.


  •  that supports the dissemination of new knowledge to key stakeholders and translation into real-world impact.
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