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The annual World Food System Center Research Symposium was held on Wednesday evening, 25 October. The 270 attendees and participants heard 9 presentations from research supported by the Center and networked while viewing 50 posters showcasing food systems research at ETH Zurich.
WFSC 2017 Research Symposium

This public research symposium highlighted the research that the World Food System Center Research Programs support as well other food system relevant research conducted by our members and their groups at ETH Zurich, Agroscope, Eawag, and FiBL.
The event featured oral presentations about six concluding research projects as well as our Flagship projects.
Session 1: Sustainable Food Value Chains, featuring concluding postdoctoral projects supported by the Coop Research Program.
- How to sustainably intensify organic Basmati rice production in Uttarakhand, India (BasmaSus)
- A virtual cold chain method to improve ventilated packaging for fresh fruit (PACKCHAIN)
- Elements of successful novel dual purpose chicken production systems (INDUCE)
- Development of a high energy red clover (HERC)
Session 2: Organic Production Systems, featuring concluding doctoral projects supported by the Mercator Research Program.
- Management practices for improved soil structure in organic farming: A look into the
nitrogen cycle (NORGS)
- Integrating conservation goals and meat production on marginal lands (EG4BM)
Session 3: Updates on World Food System Center Flagship Projects
- Food system innovations based on novel microalgae and insect proteins
- Adapting to digitalization in the Swiss agro-food sector
- Assessing and building resilience in food systems
A networking poster session showcased ongoing food system research and Center initiatives and offered participants the chance to interact directly with researchers.
We congratulate the winners of the two poster prizes awarded at the Symposium:
- Best Overall Poster Prize: The value of species diversity in grasslands (DIVERSGRASS) by Sergei Schaub, Nina Buchmann, Andreas Lüscher, and Robert Finger
- The Mercator Poster Prize: Boost algae supply chain applying holistic up- and downstream processes by Leandro Buchmann, Chaudhary Abhishek, Lukas Böcker, and Alexander Mathys
Thanks to all the over 270 contributors and guests that made this a great event!

Find more information, downloads, and posters from the Symposium here