Our food system needs you

Apply to the World Food System Summer School and join a community of motivated and like-minded students, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to explore how to build sustainable food systems in times of rapid change.  

Enlarged view: WFS SUmmer School

Our World Food System Summer School will be hosted this year on the “Gut Rheinau”, one of Switzerland’s largest and oldest organic farms. Experience food systems and production first hand, being immersed in a modern, socially integrative food system.

World Food System Summer School:
Food Systems in Transition

17 August – 1 September 2019
Application deadline: 18 March 2019

Read more and apply here

This World Food System Summer School is part of the research project Delivering Food Security on Limited Land. This project is led by an international and multidisciplinary consortium of researchers from eight countries. The project is generously supported by national funding bodies, coordinated through the Belmont Forum and the FACCE-JPI Initiative. We are also grateful for the financial contribution by Mercator Foundation Switzerland.

The course is organized by the World Food System Center at ETH Zurich, in partnership with the Delivering Food Security on Limited Land research consortium. The Center works toward a vision of a healthy world through sustainable food systems. Our 41 professorial members from different departments engage in interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach together with partners from a variety of sectors.

ETH Zurich World Food System Center
Monika Piessens, Education Manager
+41 632 33 92

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