Honor for educational role-playing game
In the framework of the Edible Research outreach program, Manuel Stamm adapted a role-playing game on palm oil for educational purposes. He recently won third place of the German Simulation Game Award for his ETH Zurich bachelor thesis project based on the game development.

On 27 June 2019, Manual Stamm was awarded the third place prize of German Simulation Game Award for his bachelor thesis “Role-playing games as an educational tool – Adapting and evaluating the CoPalCam role-playing game on the issue of palm oil with secondary students.”
Manuel completed his thesis in the framework of the SNSF funded outreach project Edible Research. He adapted a game that researchers had developed for stakeholder workshops on the palm oil value chain in Cameroon (CoPalCam), so that the game could be implemented in Swiss secondary school classrooms. He then evaluated how well the game worked in a school setting and how it supported student's learning about palm oil and issues related to it.
The game was a great success with teachers and teenagers and was played by approximately 150 teenagers and 30 teachers as part of Edible Research workshops at Zurich secondary schools. Several game boxes are now available at teacher training universities, and the game continues to be played in schools.
Congratulations to Manuel!

The overall project goal is to facilitate dialogue on research for sustainable food systems between teenagers, teachers, agricultural science students and scientists.
Project team: Dr. Anett Hofmann (Group Sustainable Agroecosystems), Dr. Anna K. Gilgen (World Food System Center), Martina Carrel, Simon Treier, Prof. Johan Six (Group Sustainable Agroecosystems)
Financial support: SNF Agora Program, World Food System Center - Mercator Program
Project duration: 2016-2018