At the table: Treffpunkt Science City Public Science Program

This Spring, the Treffpunkt Science City Public Science Program "Zu Tisch" focuses how we eat both environmentally friendly and healthily. World Food System Center members will be on hand to share their expertise and personal reflections at many of the events.

by Jeanne Tomaszewski
Zu Tisch

What we eat every day has impact on our own health as well as the environment around us. At the Spring program of Treffpunkt Science City Public Science Program "Zu Tisch," scientists share knowledge and perspective on these issues affecting our daily choices “at the table.”

The public can join in lectures, workshops, demos, guided tours and panel discussions throughout March and April at the ETH Zurich Hönggerberg campus. DownloadDownload full program (DE) (PDF, 3.8 MB)

Many World Food System Center members will be on hand to share their expertise and personal reflections at many of the events.

Martijn Sonnevelt

Science Sunday, 13 March 2022
The menu decides

Our Executive Director Martijn Sonnevelt gives a lecture on food that is "Healthy for us and the planet."

Beans  to Bars

Our team with Ivonne Blossfeld leads the workshop “In the beginning was the cocoa bean" featuring our From Beans to Bars educational boardgame. external pageRegister here


Thursday, 17 March 2022

Panel Discussion (Livestream): Eating without harming the world

Previous WFSC Chairs Nina Buchmann and Michael Siegrist join the discussion, moderated by Neue Zürcher Zeitung Martin Läubli.


Science Sunday, 20 March 2022

Johanna Jacobi gives a lecture on "Ecological agriculture as the key to feeding the world."


Katrin Giller shares here research in a lecture called "Eating meat - yes, no, maybe?"


Bruno Studer presents his vision for plant breeding in the lecture "Growing plants in the 21st century."


ETH Startup Digit Soil is on hand to demonstate their device to measure soil health.


The ETH Zurich Sustainable Agroecosystem Group holds a workshop for teenagers entitled, “Which burger would you like?” With a boardgame, participants try to build a climate-friendly burger. external pageRegister here


Visit, 31 March 2022

Where cows chew algae
Join a tour of the AgroVet-Strickhof facilities for education and services in agriculture and animal nutrition. And take a peak into the greenhouses at the ETH Research Station for Plant Sciences -all in Eschikon, Lindau. external pageRegister here


Science Sunday, 03 April 2022

Achim Walter gives a lecture on "The digital farm: saving pesticides, protecting species."


Samy Boulos from the ETH Zurich Food Biochemistry Group holds a workshop for teenagers entitled, “How sour suddenly becomes sweet?” Participants will compare different sweetnesses and experience how sour things suddenly taste sweet. external pageRegister here


Peter Fischer presents a Kids' Lecture: "From the cocoa plant to the chocolate bar."


Thanks to Treffpunkt Science City for this engaging program!

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