Challenges for Sustainable Pest Management
Announcing a discussion event at ETH Zurich. Join to openly exchange with an expert consortium on how agriculture can transform to include sustainable pest management systems.

Implementing sustainable pest management strategies is a pressing global challenge and an important goal of many food and agriculture agendas. Pest management is crucial for food security. However, intense pesticide use has risks for both humans and the environment. How then can agriculture transform to include sustainable pest management systems?
At this discussion event at ETH Zurich, a consortium of interdisciplinary experts from agronomy, agroecology, human toxicology, ecotoxicology and agricultural economics and policy is on-hand to discuss with you. Each will present their views on current challenges in pest management and their ideas for paths forward. The floor is then open for discussion with all experts, around small tables and with refreshment in hand.
Join in the discussions to learn more about sustainable pest management and its interplay with the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Ask your questions and exchange with others interested in the topic. Only by bringing science, data and insights together can we affect meaningful transformations.
Organized by the World Food System Center and the ETH Zurich Agricultural Economics and Policy Group.
Challenges for Sustainable Pest Management
A discussion event
Date: Monday, 08 August 2022
Time: 18:00 – 20:00 CEST
Location: ETH Zurich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich (LIVE EVENT)
Registration Required: external page
18:00 Welcome and Introduction, Martijn Sonnevelt & Robert Finger
18:05 Input on challenges and directions for sustainable pest management in the 21st century, Niklas Möhring
18:15 Inputs from consortium of experts from agronomy, agroecology, human toxicology, ecotoxicology and agricultural economics and policy
18:30 Open discussions with experts at themed tables, with reception
20:00 Event end
Expert Consortium

“The research of my team is at the interface of agricultural sciences and economics and contributes to more resilient and sustainable agricultural and food systems.”Robert Finger, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy, ETH Zurich![]()

“My research focuses on decision making under risk and uncertainty using online surveys and economic experiments.”Chloe McCallum, Postdoctoral Researcher, Agricultural Economics and Policy Group, ETH Zurich![]()

“My key expertise is on integrated weed management in primarily arable crops, IPM implementation and pesticide policies. Besides research, I am also involved in policy support for the competent pesticide authorities in Denmark.”Per Kudsk, Professor at Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark![]()

“My research takes an interdisciplinary approach to improve the understanding of pest management decisions and their impacts - and identify effective and efficient tools and policies to reduce pesticide risks.”Niklas Möhring, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC-CNRS), France![]()

“I have been working on the economics of agricultural pest control for more than 25 years with a particular focus on smallholder farmers in the Global South.”Matin Qaim, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Director at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany![]()

“My research studies health effects of food contaminants using high-throughput ‘omics’ methods. The main focus is the toxicity of pesticides on the gut microbiome. ”Robin Mesnage, Research Associate, King’s College London![]()

“I am an agricultural scientist and an expert in organic farming systems, specialized in weed control and management. For me, in addition to ecologically and socially responsible agriculture, nutrition is also a priority.”Urs Niggli, President of the Institute for Agroecology, Aarau; Former Director of FiBL![]()

“My research looks at the transport of agrochemicals (pesticides, veterinary antibiotics, nutrients) from soils to water bodies at different spatial scales. I am involved in interdisciplinary research on sustainable agriculture and water quality.”Christian Stamm, Deputy Head Department of Environmental Chemistry, Eawag![]()