Growing cocoa in times of climate crisis

In a new video, ETH Zurich researcher Christian Andres presents how dynamic agroforestry can contribute to healthy, sustainable cocoa farms and the livelihoods of farmers.

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Growing cocoa in times of climate crisis

More than half of the world’s cocoa grows in monocultures in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Various ecological, economic and social issues often make such production unsustainable. The combination of ageing tree stocks, degraded soils, pests and diseases, and vulnerability to climate change creates a complex crisis.

In a new video, learn more about how different agroforestry practices may provide for a way to contribute to more healthy and sustainable cocoa farms.

cocoa hulls

The project entitled Dynamic agroforestry systems for sustainable intensification of cocoa production in West Africa was funded through World Food System Center Sustainability in Food Value Chains Research Program.

The work is now part of a larger project: external page

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