At the table

The Spring 2022 Program of the ETH public science event Treffpunkt Science City focused on how what we eat every day has impact on our own health as well as the environment around us.


At the table
How we eat environmentally friendly and healthy

Zu Tisch
Wie wir uns umweltfreundlich und gesund ernähren

What we eat every day has impact on our own health as well as the environment around us. Through lectures, demos, guided tours and panel discussions, scientists share knowledge and perspective on these issues affecting our daily choices “at the table.”

Many Center members were on hand to share their expertise and personal reflections at many of the events at this program on food from March-April 2022 at the ETH Campus Hönggerberg. Download full program (DE)

Some Highlights

Our Executive Director Martijn Sonnevelt gave a lecture on food that is "Healthy for us and the planet."

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Gesund für uns und den Planeten – Martijn Sonnevelt

Our team with Ivonne Blossfeld led the workshop “In the beginning was the cocoa bean" featuring our From Beans to Bars educational boardgame.

How will humanity be fed in the future without harming the environment? A discussion about agriculture, fair prices and food waste with Nina Buchmann and Michael Siegrist.

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Podium: Essen, ohne der Welt zu schaden
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Fleisch essen – ja, nein, vielleicht? – Katrin Giller

Katrin Giller shared her research in a lecture called "Eating meat - yes, no, maybe?"

Johanna Jacobi gave a lecture on "Ecological agriculture as the key to feeding the world."

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Ökologische Landwirtschaft als Schlüssel zur Welternährung
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Pflanzen züchten im 21. Jahrhundert

Bruno Studer presented his vision for plant breeding in the lecture "Growing plants in the 21st century."

Where cows chew algae
The AgroVet-Strickhof and ETH Research Station for Plant Sciences facilities opened their doors to visitors for a guided tour.

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Die digitale Farm: Pestizide einsparen, Arten schützen

Achim Walter gave a lecture on "The digital farm: saving pesticides, protecting species."

ETH Sustainability hosted the Food4Thought fair about climate-friendly nutrition. Numerous innovative exhibitors showed how diverse and tasty sustainable nutrition can be. Scientists from the Center joined to answer questions about novel proteins for food and feed plus climate and agriculture. Thanks to all that came by!

Meet the Scientists (Image: WFSC)
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