Public and Scientific Events

The Center organizes and hosts a series of scientific events aimed at increasing awareness of the informed public about both the challenges of the world food system and solution approaches to addressing them. Additionally, WFSC members represent the Center regularly at food system-themed events organized by Swiss and international groups.

WFSC Research Symposium

Our annual Research Symposium highlights research supported by the Center as well as showcasing other food system related research at ETH Zurich, Eawag, Agroscope and FiBL.

food day 2023

On 02 November 2023 Food Day @ETH took place and brought around 200 people with different backgrounds together and led to lively discussions on food system transformation. After workshops, focusing on the topics of grassland use, nutrition, and science policy, the plenary session focused on engaging youth in food systems transformation. The networking poster session gave young scientists a stage to present their innovative research on food system related topics. Read more

Food Day

Food Day @ETH on 11 November 2022 brought together a diverse audience from academia, industry, government and international organizations for interactive discussions and workshops on food systems innovation and research. Food Day @ETH kicked off with workshops in the afternoon, focusing on scientific topics as well as the role of education and communication in building future food systems. At the plenary session, we heard from experts on what is needed to build food systems that are resilient and sustainable. The networking poster session highlighted ongoing research and Center activities offered the 200 participants the chance to interact together. Read more

Food Day

Our public research symposium on 05 November 2021 highlighted food system relevant research conducted by our members and their groups at ETH Zurich, Agroscope, Eawag, Empa, and FiBL. The event focused on how collaborative research at ETH Zurich is contributing to food system transformation. The symposium included presentations from Center funded projects as well as a panel discussion with partners from industry, government and academia. Read more and visit the Online Poster Session

Symposium 2020

This year, as the COVID-19 pandemic threatens the lives and livelihoods of people around the world, it also has exposed dangerous deficiencies in our food systems. Sharing research working towards sustainable food systems is as critical as ever. These times have also made us all rethink how we share and interact. We were, therefore, excited to present food systems research at ETH Zurich in a different format, namely in two distinct online events: Plant Breeding for Global Food Security Webinar and Poster Session and Networking Event. Read more

symposium 2018

This annual public event highlighted the research that the WFSC Research Programs support as well as other food system relevant research conducted by our members and their groups at ETH Zurich, Agroscope, Eawag, Empa, and FiBL. This year’s symposium focused on how current research contributes to sustainable food systems and supports reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030. Read more

symposium 2018

This public event in November highlighted the research that the our Research Programs support as well other food system relevant research conducted by our members. The audience of over 300 contributors and guests heard from projects looking to provide improvements and sustainability along the value chain of different foods such as cocoa, tef, milk, sprouts, and African leafy vegetables. Read more

Video of Presentations

external pageVideo of Poster Session

WFSC Symposium

This public event in October showcased food systems research taking place at ETH Zurich, featuring presentations from concluding research projects supported by our WFS Grants platform as well as updates from our Flagship projects.

Over 270 contributors and guests participated in the successful evening of exchange and networking. Read more

Annual Symposium 2016

The Center's first Annual Symposium took place in November 2016 with 200 attendees from 60 organizations. Read more

Find posters from the event here

Public Lectures & Webinars

Through a public event series, we aim to make contemporary food system research accessible to a wider audience.


Agroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems
Public Lecture Series
Spring and Fall 2023

Invited experts discussed benefits and the potential of agroecology to contribute to sustainable food system transformation but also challenges and limitations. Each lecture provided a different perspective on agroecological transformation: Read more and watch videos

Social sustainability in today's food system - desired or indispensable?
Public Webinar
15 December 2022

online webinar

How can social requirements be defined, measured, certified, and combined with existing food system sustainability schemes? In this webinar scientists shared what role the social dimension plays in supply chains. Jointly organized by the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology (SGA).

external pageWebinar video (DE) Webinar summary (EN)

Agroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems
A Public Lecture Series
27 September – 25 October 2022

Enlarged view: Agroecology  series  screen

This public lecture series was thematically structured along the 13 principles of agroecology, proposed by the High-Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. The series of five lectures highlighted the principles of biodiversity, animal health, social values, participation, and land and natural resource use governance. Read more and watch videos

Challenges for Sustainable Pest Management
A discussion event
08 August 2022

Enlarged view: Diary

An evening of open discussion about sustainable pest management systems led to lively exchange amoung the guests and interdisciplinary experts from agronomy, agroecology, human toxicology, ecotoxicology and agricultural economics and policy. Organized in collaboration with ETH AECP Group. Read more

Food Security Strategies for a Changing World
A seminar with Chris Barrett
08 June 2022

Enlarged view: Diary
Chris Barrett

The discussion focused on how successful food system transformation will require the combination of accelerated technological change with a range of policy, institutional and cultural innovations. Organized in collaboration with ETH4D. Read more

Agroecology Series

Agroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems: A Public Lecture Series
21 September - 07 December 2021

This online series aimed to offer the interested public a deeper insight into the fundamentals of agroecology and its potential role in transforming food systems. The series of 12 lectures brought together perspectives from science, practice and policy to provide insight on agroecological fundamentals as well as societal aspects. Read more

One Smoothie at a Time

Changing the Food System, One Smoothie at a Time
27 September 2021

he Global Climate Action Symposium brings together a wide range of experts to showcase climate change solutions informed by local and global scientists, engineers, business and policy experts, student leaders, and artists. In this event, Iris Haberkorn from ETH Zurich Sustainable Food Processing will talk about producing microalgae sustainably and Kanaha Shoji from Empa will introduce new technologies to reduce food waste in homes. A smoothie tutorial, focused on local, seasonable fruit, will follow with Atlanta-based caterer Concrete Jungle. Watch the session: external page (start 2:25:00)


Seafood that Never Say the Sea
09 June 2021

In this short online talk, Lou Cooperhouse, CEO and co-founder of BlueNalu, shared his knowledge and experience in the development of cellular meat and fish alternatives. He then discussed with Michael Siegrist, Professor of Consumer Behavior at ETH Zurich, questions of consumar acceptance of seafood produced out of cellular aquaculture. DownloadEvent Flyer (PDF, 179 KB)


Transforming Food Systems through Agroecology: Learning from Evidence
06 June 2021

webinar was a Side Event of the Science Days for the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021.The discussion aimed to share knowledge on the role of agroecology to foster diversity in production, value chains and nutrition to improve resilience of farming and food systems. The Side Event was organized with several partner organizations.
Read more and watch video

Green Buzz

The Need for Climate Resilient Food Systems
02 June 2021
is online event highlighted examples from science and industry on the role of different stakeholders in the food system to increase resilience. The event was co-​organized with GreenBuzz, the RESPONSE Doctoral Program of the Plant Science Center, and the World Food System Center. Read more

Science Stories

Science Stories - WFSC Short Films Premiere
25 May 2021

The online event focused on sharing of insights from food systems research projects at ETH Zurich. Guests watched the premiere of several of WFSC short films and networked with other food systems researchers. Read more

Public Webinar

Changing the food system, one meal at a time
26 November 2020

During an online cooking webinar event, World Food System Center staff and TasteLab restaurateurs led a discussion and cooked a 3-​course meal with participants using sustainable, regional, and delicious ingredients. While cooking, the participants learned more about our food system and explored a few of the ingredients.
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Public Webinar

Pathways for Advancing Pesticide Policies
20 October 2020

In this webinar, key challenges and pathways for advancing European pesticide policies were discussed with a panel of experts. external pageRead more

on implications of digitalisation in agriculture

Implications of Digitalisation in Agriculture
04 September 2019

A symposium focused on implications of digitalisation in agriculture co-organized by the Agricultural Economic and Policy group of WFSC Vice Chair Prof. Robert Finger
. Read more


Pesticides: What Does Science say?
03 April 2019

At a public discussion event, the audience heard answers to their pressing questions about use of pesticides in food systems. Panelists included Prof. Robert Finger, Dr. Lothar Aicher, and Philipp Staudacher. Read more

A Tale of the Black Soldier Fly
25 September 2018


Prof. Jeffery Tomberlin from Texas A&M University presented at an IFNH public seminar, exploring the application of black soldier fly as a sustainable system to produce protein. Read more

Managing Risk in Agriculture
05 July 2018


A symposium focused on innovations in agricultural insurance and digitization co-organized by the ETH Risk Center and the Agricultural Economic and Policy group of WFSC Vice Chair Prof. Robert Finger. Read more

Fraud in Organic Food: A discussion about why we should all be worried
26 April 2018

Prof. Elliott

Keynote speaker Professor Chris Elliott from Queens University Belfast led a discussion on fraud in organic food and how science can play a role in its detection and prevention. Read more and see interview with Prof. Elliott

Tackling Malnutrition with Biofortification: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Maria Andrade

12 Septermber 2017

Keynote speaker Dr. Maria Andrade, World Food Prize winner, focused on the development of the biofortified sweet potato to tackle vitamin A deficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa. Read more

Weather shocks over food producing regions in developing countries significantly affect asylum applications to the European Union

Public Lecture by Wolfram Schlenker

12 July 2017

Keynote speaker Prof. Wolfram Schlenker, Columbia University, focused on the effects of weather shocks over food producing regions. Read more

Beyond Organic: Diversification in Food Systems

Fall Public Lecture 2016

5 October 2016

Keynote: Dr. Emile Frison, International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems. Read more


Tackling Food System Challenges through Innovation: Sustainable Proteins of the Future

Spring Public Lecture 2016

17 March 2016

The keynote speaker Prof. Alexander Mathys, Sustainable Food Processing, addressed the audience in the full Semper Aula at ETH. The discussion panel included Dr. Béatrice Conde-Petit, Bühler AG and Matthew Robin, Elsa-Mifroma Groupe. Read more

Elisabeth Kalko Memorial Lecture 2015

Public Lecture 2015

Food systems resilience in theory and practice: Organic agriculture as a prototype?

8 April 2015

The keynote speakers for the event were Dr. Frank Eyhorn, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and Prof. Johan Six, ETH Zurich, Sustainable Agroecosystems Chair. Read more

Agricultural Intensification: Balancing production, environment and livelihoods

Public Lecture 2014

10 March 2014

Our keynote speakers were Dr. Pedro Sanchez and Dr. Cheryl Palm from the Agriculture and Food Security Center at Columbia University. Read more

World Food System Conference

wfs conference

The WFS Conference brought together researchers and other food system stakeholders for five days in the summer of 2015. Read more

Film Screenings

IN our hands

Screening of the documentary In Our Hands: Seeding Change along with an introduction from our Dr. Martijn Sonnevelt and a panel discussion with ETH Zurich Prof. Christian Schöb, and Lukas Peter, co-founder of the local cooperative basimilch. Read more

Food Evolution

The WFSC hosted public screening of the documentary Food Evolution, followed by panel discussion with food system experts, in July 2017. Read more

Zurich isst logo

The WFSC organized two public film screenings with panel discussions for Zürich isst in September 2015.

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Other Public Events

food zurich

The Center again joins Food Zurich to create an interactive dinner, Science on Your Plate. Researchers from ETH Zurich gave simply explained and exciting insights into their research about the ingredients served during a delicious dinner. Read more

lecture information

Together with Helvetas and the Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) Project, the Center held a public lecture focused on ways to feed an increasingly urbanized world in a sustainable manner. Experts explored the challenges and opportunities of sustainable food systems. DownloadEvent Flyer (PDF, 208 KB)


The Center held the workshop From Farm to Fork: AI on our plates at the external pageAI+X Summit. The discussions focused on how AI technology can contribute to sustainable, innovative, and competitive agricultural production and increase transparency from producers to consumers. external pageRead more


Olma took place in St. Gallen in October, and ETH Zurich was present to share ideas for the Future of Food and Agriculture. With a selection of innovative ideas, visitors could experience how ETH research in various disciplines is helping to secure an more sustainable food system. Read more


As part of the Open Your Eyes Photo Festival, a panel discussion took place in September 2023 with the topic of sustainability in food in focus. In collaboration with the World Food System Center and students of the ETH Zurich, the Tages-​Anzeiger and Alnatura. Read more


At the collaborative booth of the Department of Enviornmental Systems Science and the World Food System Center, researchers were on hand during Scientifica, the public science event of ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, to talk to visitors about about innovations for sustainable food systems. external pageRead more

fodo zurich

The Center joined Food Zurich to create an interactive dinner, «Science on Your Plate» – Fine Dining of the Future, in September 2022. Researchers from ETH Zurich gave simply explained, short, exciting insights into their research about the ingredients on the plates. external pageRead more

Enlarged view: farming days

The Center was happy to join fenaco cooperative at Farming Days on  03-05 September 2022. external pageThe outdoor event allowed visitors to experience today's Swiss agriculture and food industry first hand. With Center staff, visitors learned about about Food of the Future, with innovative research from ETH Zurich & Eawag was on display.


To celebrate 10+ Years of collaboration, the Center curated a public exhibition at the Mühlerama Museum for Food Culture in Zurich. The Science on the Your Plate exhibition presented how researchers at ETH Zurich are studying the journey of food and exploring new paths forward. Read more

Enlarged view: Diary

World Food System Center members shared their perspectives on current challenges to achieving more sustainability in the Swiss dairy sector for students of the US Dairy Education and Training Consortium in May 2022.  external pageLinkedIn post

ZU tisch

Treffpunkt Science City Public Science Program "Zu Tisch" focused how we eat both environmentally friendly and healthily. World Food System Center members were on hand to share their expertise and personal reflections at many of the events. Read more and watch videos


The Greenhouse Art-Lab welcomed the work of the artist Marie Van Berchem "Helvetia" and a series of photos following the journey of a cocoa bean by the researcher Braida Thom. This exhibition in November 2021 aimed to foster a dialogue on the role of socially engaged Art & Science to foster agroecological transitions. DownloadDownload flyer (PDF, 4.7 MB)


At the Fair Chocolate 4All workshop, Scientifica visitors in September 2021 could play a board game to learn more about how cocoa goes from the farmer’s tree to become a bar of chocolate. A teacher workshop then aimed to bring the game into Swiss classrooms. Read more


At the collaborative booth of the ETH4D initiative and the World Food System Center, researchers were on hand during the weekend of 04 and 05 September 2021 at Scientifica, the public science event of ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, to talk to visitors about about innovations for sustainable development and food systems. Read more


The Center organized a public exhibit of food systems research at this year’s ETH/UZH Scientifica, 31 Aug-01 Sep. Our interactive exhibit “Food of the Future” focused research projects with different perspectives on how to achieve sustainable food in the future. external pageRead more (DE)

AgriTech Day

The ETH-Research Station for Plant Sciences, Strickhof and AgroVet-Strickhof opened their doors under the motto "Agriculture of the future - digital and sustainable?" At attractions, demonstrations and forums discussions, visitors discovered innovative tools to support more sustainable Swiss agriculture. Read more

Olma 2018

At the special show "Experience Food," visitors of all ages learned about the wonders of grains, from the field to the plate. ETH Zurich presented an exhibit at the show highlighting its innovative research on our food system, specifically the sustainable production of cereals. Read more

Swiss Agritech & Food Industry Event

To promote an exchange on the future of agriculture, digitalswitzerland held a Swiss Agritech & Food Industry Event, hosted by ETH Zurich. The ETH Studio AgroFood was invited to have a stand and enjoyed the chance to meet representatives from companies, startups, and farmer associations. Read more


At the event Smart Farming - What does it mean for Switzerland? on 15 June 2018, Bundesrat Johann Schneider-Ammann, ETH president Lino Guzzella and Prof. Achim Walter shared their views with a public. The event was organized by the ETH Studio AgroFood, ETH Global, and the WFSC. Read more

OLMA Display

At the OLMA Swiss Fair for Agriculture and Nutrition in October 2017, the PubliFarm special exhibit presented research in the field of biodiversity and climate change and its connection with Swiss agriculture. The WFSC provided an informative display for the exhibit. Read more

Feeding Nine Billion

Executive Director Michelle Grant joined the debate on global food security as part of the first of the Global Challenges Debates Series at Queen’s University Belfast in September. external pageRead more from Queen's University

IngCH Engineering Day

Project Manager Anna K. Gilgen was invited to speak to students in Winterthur during the IngCH Engineering and Computer Science Week at Kantonsschule Büelrain. Read more

WFSC at Scientifica

The Center organized a public exhibit of food systems research at this year’s ETH/UZH Scientifica, 01-03 September. Our interactive exhibit “Sustainable Nutrition with Bits and Bytes” focused on the influx of data from information and communication technology in agriculture. Read more


ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and the Canton of Zurich held an official opening ceremony in September at Agrovet-Strickhof, their joint collaboration in the livestock sector. Project Manager Anna K. Gilgen represented the Center on the opening day.

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Anna K. Gilgen

A public presentation by WFSC Dr. Anna Katarina Gilgen entitled "Eating Tomorrow- Forschung für ein nachhaltiges Ernährungssystem" at St. Gallen Nature Museum "Wir Essen Die Welt" exhibit. Read more

ch pavilion

The WFSC and ETH Global brought eight researchers from ETH Zurich to participate in the opening ceremony of Zurich week in the Swiss Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015.

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our common food

The WFSC hosted the final event of the Our Common Food Start Up Programme for 2014-15 in March 2015.

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world food day 2013

The WFSC welcomed a large, international audience to ETH Zurich as host of an event marking World Food Day in October 2013.

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Workshop on Resource Efficiency and Food Security in Switzerland

REDES Workshop 2013

In February 2013, the WFSC, in partnership with the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture and Agroscope, hosted a conference on resource efficiency and food security in Switzerland (REDES). The conference brought together a broad cross-section of stakeholders from the Swiss agro-food sector and offered an opportunity to share finding of the REDES research project and explore the national and international policy implications.

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wfsc inauguration

ETH Zurich hosted the official inauguration event of the World Food System Center on Friday, 14 September 2012.

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